What is Dropshipping?

Business Made Easy - Sell Online With No Investment and No Stock

 Dropshipping is a fantastic business model that allows the seller (you) to list and sell products online at zero set up costs.

Step 1 - List the products on our website for sale, you can do this anywhere from your own website, Facebook, Amazon or Ebay.

Step 2 - Once you have made a sale and have received payment from your customer you order it from the manufacturer (us) who ship directly to your customer.

You never need to see the items, you just keep the difference between the dropship price and your selling price (the profit).

We have hundreds of products manufactured in house so you can get selling all over the internet today. 


transitive verb. : to ship (goods) from a manufacturer or wholesaler directly to a customer instead of to the retailer who took the order.

intransitive verb. : to ship goods from a supplier directly to a customer.